Patrick Dalton

PATRICK DALTON was born in Richmond, Virginia and now currently resides in Springfield, Missouri. He attended Lake Hamilton High School in Hot Springs, Arkansas where he was privileged to be instructed by great educators who took them to DCI shows often. 

Patrick’s interest in the activity started when he was in fifth grade being recruited for band at his school. Although he never actually wanted to be a percussionist, he ended up taking the opportunity because he just wanted to be in band. 

He was fortunate enough to march Colt Cadets, Colts, and Mandarins, as well as Freedom Indoor Percussion (MO) for three seasons. 

Patrick started his time instructing with Texas High School (Texarkana), Lake Hamilton High School indoor and outdoor ensembles, and Greenwood High School (Arkansas). He also instructs students with private lessons every week. His goal is to become a program coordinator and visual designer, and he’s excited to give back to the community what he has been given!