Rian Mahoney

RIAN MAHONEY is excited to take on the role of the River City Rythm Color Guard Caption Head for the 2024 season.

He started his marching career in 2016 when he started marching in the color guard with Minnetonka High School. Since then, he has marched with The Colt Cadets, The Colts, The Academy, and The Blue Knights. In Between DCI seasons during the winter, Rian has performed with Chops Winter Guard, Royal Guard Winter Guard, and MBI.

Rian started his teaching career with Minnetonka High School where he helped teach and direct for two seasons. Following that, he took over the role as Director for River Falls High School Colorguard, where he's been for the last four years in addition to directing the Farmington High School Colorguard for three years.

In the winter, Rian has taught or choreographed with many different schools over the years including Lakeville South, Two Rivers, and Sauk Rapids while also forming and directing the Farmington Winter Guard and River Falls Winter Guard. Rian has also spent the last three years as the visual coordinator and battery tech for Lakeville Area Percussion (LAP).

Rian has worked hard over the last few years to improve and grow the marching arts community in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, and is excited to bring that growth mindset into River City Rhythm and continue the development of Minnesota as a "Northern Star" for the marching arts.